How To Lose Friends and Influence People To Unfollow and Unfriend You

In this day and time, while we are looking for more friends and followers on social media, maybe we should be trying to get them to ditch us.

Maybe we have been going about it all wrong.

More Unfollowers Equals A More Successful Endeavor

“Why would that be successful?”, you may ask, and I’m glad you did. Even if you didn’t, you know I’m going to tell you, right? When you start doing and saying things that cause people to unfriend and unfollow you on social media it means you are being more true to yourself. You’re not playing it safe and hoping you don’t offend someone.

You’re not censoring yourself, and that’s a good thing.

I am against censorship.

I am for freedom of speech in every way, shape, and form.

When you say what’s really on your mind, it bothers people. It bothers them a lot.

Bother them.

Post A Lot of Stuff

You should post like the votes for every corrupt politician out there, “Early and Often”

We eat and drink many times a day. We breathe even more than that. So, why do we feel the need to limit what we say, how we say it, and how often we post our thoughts.

If you aren’t always able to post right then, or you have a thought you want to develop further before you post, keep a notebook handy and write that stuff down. You will forget it later, trust me, your memory will fail you.

Talk About Politics and Religion

Social media is supposed to be a ‘safe place’. We are told to shut up, don’t talk about politics, and keep your religious beliefs to yourself. We are told we should be nice to everyone. Don’t bring up anything about race, culture, nations, politics, economics, religion, spirituality, or anything that might divide people.

They don’t want you to hurt anyone’s feelings, because they will leave. That means no more clicking on ads and no more money in their pockets. Boo hoo.

The way I see it, the only way we can make social change in the world is to be vocal. To talk about ‘sensitive’ issues. Talk about religion. Talk about politics. Talk about things that piss (it’s in the Bible, so I can say it) others off.

When did we become a nation of over-sensitive, whiny-assed pansies, that need a safe space to run to every time someone says something that goes against our narrow-minded, dogmatic worldview?

Ruffle some feathers.

Irritate someone.

Rock the boat.

Speak up and speak out.

We need to be opinionated.

It’s pretty simple, if you see something that bothers you, and you really want to see change happen there, scream at the top of your lungs (on social media and in real life), but don’t stop there. Take action. Do something to make that change become a reality.

We have reached a point in history that people think just because they post something on social media, they have done something. They think they have done their part. The only thing they have done is stroke their ego. No change happens. Tomorrow things still run the same way.

Social Media Is Not Free Speech

You do realize that social media isn’t free speech, right? It is censored. It limits who sees what. Facebook, Instagram (owned by Facebook), Twitter, and the like, censor unfavorable news and images. They will keep people from seeing what you post because it doesn’t meet their “community guidelines”. I have had several of my images deleted because “the powers that be” found them offensive.

Fight For Freedom

Not only is our oversized, opulent government looking to limit and/or cut out our freedoms, now big companies are looking to do the same.

Yes, right now we still technically have freedom, but like in the book A Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, (you should read it and 1984 by George Orwell for a good idea of where we are heading), we are on a high from something like the drug “soma” in the book. We are technically free, but we don’t care about losing those freedoms as long as we get the next like, friend, or follow.

One of my favorite quotes by the late Christopher Hitchens is, “Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence.”

Because of this, I don’t have many friends.

I’m okay with that.

And, if this post bothers you. You know what to do.

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